Forte Communication Style Profile (Morgan, 2003-2011):
Primary Strength: Extroversion
Secondary Strength: Non-Conformity
My printout reads:
Pamela is very outgoing and friendly, having a warm, non-threatening, easygoing manner. She will use
persuasion to influence others and does not make demands. She will easily delegate both authority and
details, and is very big-pictured oriented. She prefers less structure or rules to follow. She is very good in
people activities.
The Strong Life Test (Marcus Buckingham, 2011):
Primary Role: Teacher
Supporting Role: Influencer
StrengthsFinder (2010 Gallup, Inc):
My Signature Themes report includes my five most dominant themes of talent, in the rank order revealed by my responses to StrengthsFinder. Of the 34 themes measured, these are my "top five."
Basic Mindstyle (McCarthy, 2002):
Outside-the-box-thinker (4)
Task Oriented (3)
Primary Strength: Extroversion
Secondary Strength: Non-Conformity
My printout reads:
Pamela is very outgoing and friendly, having a warm, non-threatening, easygoing manner. She will use
persuasion to influence others and does not make demands. She will easily delegate both authority and
details, and is very big-pictured oriented. She prefers less structure or rules to follow. She is very good in
people activities.
The Strong Life Test (Marcus Buckingham, 2011):
Primary Role: Teacher
Supporting Role: Influencer
StrengthsFinder (2010 Gallup, Inc):
My Signature Themes report includes my five most dominant themes of talent, in the rank order revealed by my responses to StrengthsFinder. Of the 34 themes measured, these are my "top five."
Basic Mindstyle (McCarthy, 2002):
Outside-the-box-thinker (4)
Task Oriented (3)